Socialised misandry and radical feminism created his audience
Why Andrew Tate found an audience with young men(No,it’s not misogyny) and how society played a role
For him to be irrelevant, society needs to acknowledge its faults
Disclaimer: This is not an endorsement or defence of Tate.
Andrew Tate found a following because of decades of; misandry, emasculation, shaming & man bashing by; movies, sitcoms, ads, dating coaches, daytime talk shows etc
In the book, Why Men are the way they are, Dr Warren Farrell who once served on the New York City Board of the National Organisation for Women, wrote
“Every day in about half the advertisements, a man sees the constant reminder of the woman he was not worthy of.”
1-On social media everyday women are telling them they’re: scum, dumb, perverts, toxic, defective. Freely shouting “death to all men” “men don’t deserve good things” “i hate men” with no fear of their account getting deactivated or losing their income.
2-They see how Fathers and Husbands are portrayed in commercials and sitcoms as clueless, bumbling and useless, whose 8 year old daughters outsmart them and wife rolls her eyes at everything he says.
3-They watch romcoms where women slapping, punching in the gut or kicking a man in the privates is played for comedy and seen as justified because he said something she didn’t like.
4- Women secrectly record them at gyms and label them as creeps, perverts and dangerous on social media for glancing in their direction.
5- They aren’t allowed to be upset about a tv shows book, comic or movie franchise they loved since childhood being disrespected or the character supplanted in his own story, all in the guise of inclusion. Without a battalion of people insulting them as incels, weak, misogynist, sexist, crying male tears, virgin, loser living with his mum.
6- Repeatedly told they are unworthy of a relationship and female respect. Should not even talk to a woman if they don’t have over $100,000, drive the most recent luxury/sports car etc while their classmate from high school 5 years unemployed is told she deserves the best life because she looks good on instagram.
“And if your son is unemployed? Three out of four women say they would not date an unemployed man. In contrast, for two-thirds of men, dating an unemployed woman is a nonissue.”- Dr Warren Farrel , The Boy Crisis; Why our boys are struggling and what to do about it
7- They see men’s name and reputation dragged through the mud, lose scholarships and jobs based on false accusations, and the woman never faces any punishment even after admitting she lied. Men have served 20 years in jail, lost jobs, scholarships, their marriage and reputation because a woman lied about rape either maliciously or to cover up her infidelity.
8-They are tired of being treated like they were born with 666 in their scalp.
In March 2021, Brauer College in Warrnambool, Australia, made all the boys apologise to the girls on behalf of their gender for sexual assault.
Imagine what that does to the psychology of a 12 year old boy and how 12 year old girls will see him and other males.
How that shapes a predator/prey, abuser/victim worldview.
These things take a toll on the mental health.
Many teachers from elementary to secondary treat boys like factory malfunctioning girl and girls as the ideal.
Even when a female student is physically aggressive and reported, it’s ignored by teachers and the admin, until he retaliates, then he gets punished, because to them only girls can be victims, the boy is the wrong doer.
Parents everyday ignore their daughter hitting her brother, and tell her boys are not allowed to hit girls.
She becomes a teenager who hits her male classmates, and has people come to her defence and beat up the guy trying to defend himself despite her being the aggressor.
Some of them enter their 20s and 30s and hit their lovers, strangers they have a disagreement with.
And the narrative remains, men should never hit women regardless of what she does, not , everyone should keep their hands to themselves except in the rare case of defence from harm.
Various social experiment videos have revealed that most people ignore physically aggressive female on male conflict, they walk by or watch amused.
A young boy growing up seeing this sees an unfair world at home and unfair in school.
Tate is an Over-correction to unguided young men that society/media vilifies to make them walk around apologising for their toxic existence.
He resonates in response to the over-correction from a society desperate to make reparations to women for the ills of the past by punishing young men who weren’t alive during that time.
Society is desensitised to misandry to the extent that it no longer recognises it as vile or claim the lack of systematic female power means it does not exist, so suck it up.
Ignoring the societal vilification/supplanting that made young men flock to him is THE reason they flocked to him. Their mental health is ignored.
Instead of redirecting them to better mentors people mock/dismiss them.
Invalidate their daily reality, acting like it’s a zero sum and that acknowledging male vilification takes away from female issues.
Spoiler alert, it doesn’t
Pointing them to the right mentors is the solution, not using the same language of misandry & lamestream media telling them they are toxic by default.
Would you permit anyone speaking/dismissing your teenage son like that?
Tate’s platform blossomed because the ground was watered and fertilised long before he came along by his female equivalents on daytime talkshow hosts disparaging men Monday to Friday.
On an episode of The View, a story was shared about a wife who cut off her husband’s penis as he slept and threw it in the garbage dispenser. All the hosts found it delightful and spent time making jokes about it.
On an episode of UK talk show Jeremy Kyle, a young man described that his girlfriend got so violent and controlling, she locked him in the apartment and to escape he jumped out the window, breaking his leg as a result.
The audience roared in laughter, enough to make Jeremy chastise them.
Can male hosts of a national TV show get away with laughing about a woman experiencing violence without a forced apology , job loss and social cancellation?
Will any audience be bold enough or desensitised to laugh?
Over correction from either side creates more resentment and new problems than either was trying to resolve.
Misandry is not a solution to Misogyny, that’s just revenge/payback which keeps the cycle endless creating resentment between the genders.
Supplanting men is not a solution to creating opportunities for women and solving the issues they face in the workplace.
An 18 year boy from a working class home earning minimum wage does not have institutional power, so why should he be lumped in the same category as 1% C-suite because they have XY chromosome in common?
Why should a Gen Z boy be demonised by a Millennial woman for supposed sins of the silent generation(born 1928–1945).
Why should a 12 year old’s mental health suffer because of the political ideology of adults and miseducated virtue signal-ers ?
How long is an eye for an eye sustainable ? Who decides which eyes to take out?
How long will we permit socialised misandry to keep dividing men and women, destroying families and manufacturing enmity?
Don’t partake in creating a world that makes relationships, life and the workplace harder/toxic for your grandkids.
Thanks for reading.
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